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Helping Your Clients Create

a Holistic Retirement Plan

“Scott’s engaging and customized Retire & Aspire keynotes fit both our virtual Retirement Canada Dialogue Day and CIFPs National Conference main stage perfectly! Financial planners, advisors and retirement specialists took away valuable insights and ideas to better help their clients plan for their ‘work optional life.’ And, to top it off, Scott made everything easy. We look forward to having him speak at future events.”

I.J. McIntyre – Retirement Planning Director, CIFPs Board of Directors

“Scott Armstrong has proven to us that he not only has a wealth of expertise but he also has a uniquely relatable delivery and some great stories and examples. His positivity and enthusiasm is infectious and you can truly see the passion he brings to making a big impact – no wonder he has clients all over the world and is in such demand! We are grateful to have met him and sincerely look forward to more collaboration in the future!”

Kelly Taylor – Managing Partner, The Tower Group

“Scott is the resource I was searching for when it comes to helping my clients understand there is more to retirement. Scott was a guest at my client appreciation event. I immediately started receiving positive feedback from clients about the event the minute it concluded.”

Joseph Curry – President, Matthew and Associates

The Retirement Timeline

What Usually Happens

5 Years

Anxiety/excitement begins

1 Year

↓ Decrease engagement at work
↑ Excitement build
↑ Anxiety build


Honeymoon Suite Activities

1 Year

↓ Unsure of purpose/identity
↓ Reduced self-confidence
↓ Vitality often decreases
↓ Social connections reduced
↓ Lack of structure causes drifting

5 Years

↓ Often busy but without purpose
↓ Premature mental decay
↓ Premature physical decay

What We Want To Happen

5 Years

Identifying after work purpose/interests

1 Year

↑ Holistic retirement plan complete
↑ Growth oriented activities known
↑ Vitality plan begun


Enjoy Honeymoon Suite Activities
Move towards new purpose
Establish new social connections

1 Year

↑ New purpose provides confidence
↑ Adventure is part of life
↑ Physically and mentally engaged
↑ Living Legacy Activated

5 Years

↑ Better vitality than when retirement started
↑ Makeover of identity and purpose complete
↑ New social connections are now good friends

Keynotes and Workshops

Delivered as keynote or half day workshop – in person or virtual

Retire and Aspire

Best Audience: Financial companies with clients who are looking to retire within the next 10 years or have been retired for 5 years or less.

Have your clients:

    1. Understand the essential need of a holistic retirement plan including an evolving identity and purpose, the importance of mental and physical vitality, growing social networks.
    2. Learn how to craft a suite of habits opening up many great growth oriented opportunities including new interests, careers and adventures.
    3. Start crafting a living legacy representing the best of who they are.
    4. Provide your clients easy to use tools to begin crafting their own plan.

This keynote or workshop is perfect for your client appreciation events.


Lifestyle Entrepreneurship

Best Audience: Company groups or individuals who are looking at retiring within the next 10 years.

At the centre of Lifestyle Entrepreneurship is usually a suppressed desire to run your own business with something you are passionate about at its centre. It is your time and instead of creating a business that owns you, the purpose this time is to flex and grow your entrepreneurial skills by creating a business that fits well into your work optional lifestyle.

Whether that is a part-time business run 2-days a week, a seasonal business that you shut down for months on end, or a business of your own custom time commitment, Lifestyle entrepreneurship will show you how to create a business that provides you with a compelling purpose, supplemental income and a chance to craft a post work identity.

Attendees of this inspirational and entertaining program will:

      • Discover and articulate what they want from their business, both in monetary and non-monetary terms
      • Learn how to put their ideas through a simple yet effective business validation filter
      • Begin creating a road map to bring their business idea to life.

Why Mind Switch?

Financial security is the cornerstone of any retirement. But finances alone do not guarantee a great retirement for your clients. A great retirement demands that your clients continue to have a compelling purpose and an identity they are proud of to truly enjoy their decades ahead.

By including the Mind Switch Academy as part of your client program, you will help them prepare for the non-financial aspect of retirement by helping them develop new goals, mindsets and habits. This will not only benefit your clients but will provide you increased client loyalty and referrals.

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